
Cookie Policy

This Website automatically gathers only the information required to create cookies in the User's browser. When using the Website, the user automatically agrees to the use of cookies. Some of the purposes for which cookies are used may additionally necessitate Your consent. When consent is given, it can be revoked at any time by following the procedures in this Cookies Policy.

What is cookie?

A cookie is a little text file that a website saves on Your device. Cookies include information that can later be read by a website. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or transfer viruses to Your machine. Crext Investment can improve its website with the help of cookies.

Cookies can be categorized as either 'persistent' or'session':
  • A persistent cookie will be saved by a web browser and will be valid until its set expiry date, unless erased by the User before the expiry date.
  • The session cookie will expire when the web browser is closed at the conclusion of the session.

How cookies may be used on the Website?

We use cookies to collect information, as do many other websites. We use cookies on the Website to gather data about Your visit, allow You to navigate from page to page without having to login each time, count visits, and see which areas and features of the Website are popular.

Which cookies may be collected?

Cookies that are required for the Website to function are known as essential cookies. The goals of using such cookies include allowing You to log into secure portions of the Website and enter into transactions, as well as aiding You if You request assistance from Us. We cannot deliver the Services requested by the Users unless vital cookies are used.

Functionality cookies - allow the Website to remember the choices You make when using the Website. We use these cookies to offer You with a more personalized experience and to avoid You having to re-select Your settings every time You visit the Website.

Analytical/performance cookies - allow Us to count the number of visitors and identify their aggregate locations as well as their browsing patterns on the Website. Cookies do not allow for the identification of specific individuals there.

Advertising cookies - record Your visit to the Website, the pages You have visited, and the links You have followed. We will use your information to make the Website and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to Your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for the same purpose.

Restrictions for cookies use and opt-out

The user can take efforts to disable cookie saving at his or her discretion. To manage it, you must modify your browser's privacy settings. Disabling all cookies may increase privacy, but it may also limit your ability to access certain Website functions. For example, you may discover information about how to manage Identifiers in the most generally used browsers at the following addresses: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Regarding any identifiers stored by third parties, you can manage their preferences and withdraw their consent by clicking the related opt-out link (where provided), using the means specified in the third party's privacy policy, or contacting the third party.